
Soul Friend Pet Cremations


with Skippy

Operations Manager 

Simone attends to all the tricky stuff, the unusal requests and finds solutions where it was previously thought to be too hard. Photo plaque design, custom urn manufacture and memorial jewellery are just a few of the skills she has honed in the role. (Skippy was adopted naked, but we love him as he is) IAOPCC qualified Pet Bereavement Specialist Level 1 and 2 IAOPCC qualified Pet Funeral Director


with Abel

Customer Services Manager​ 

Damien conducts cremations, prepares product and attends to walkin clientelle. He knows where everyone is at all times and ensures that you only receive back the cremains of your pet. CANA qualified Pet Bereavement Certification Program Level 1 This guy is driven to ensure you receive the best possible experience from our service.


with Leila

Customer Services / Wellington Driver

Lilly collects deceased from vet clinics in the Wellington area, and return the cremains. She has experience in the human funeral industry. She is also available to collect pets from your home, and will also deliver the cremains back to your address.


with Luka, Chilli & Nova

Urn Manufacture Manager

Alan manages all things wood and laquer in our Urn workshop. We make cremation urns for several Pet Cremation businesses so he has his hands full with meeting orders on time and maintaining the equipment to ensure all pets go home as quickly as possible.


with Macey

Urn Manufacture

Having recently completed his joinery qualification, we have been keeping Corey very busy in our urn making workshop.


with Bodhi

Customer Services / Wairarapa Driver

Jamiee collects deceased from vet clinics in the Wairarapa area, and returns the cremains. She is a Qualified nurse experienced in Palliative care. She is available to collect pets from your home, and will also deliver the cremains back to your address.

Adam with Sammy


with Sammy

Bio Hazard / Livestock Transporter

With a passion for ensuring safe and efficient transportation, Adam takes on the responsibility of handling bio hazardous materials and livestock with precision and care.


with Bryn and Friday

Afterlife Pet Care Specialist

With a background as a Celebrant by trade, Alexa brings a comforting presence to those navigating the loss of their beloved pets. Dedication to honoring the lives of our furry friends shines through in her every action, making her a pillar of strength for those in need of solace during difficult times.

Alexa with Brin and Friday